Tuesday, January 31, 2012


   The Manila Galleons took 3 to 7 months to transport their cargoes.When coming from Manila their holds held Beautiful Ivory,Silk,Fine China and Porcelain,Spices,Medicines and Perfumes.What they took to the Philippines was Gold and Silver which had been loaded aboard at San Blas and  Acapulco Mexico.
   The Mexico-Manila voyage was one of the most dangerous passages in the world in the 16th Century.From a navigational view crossing from  Mexico to Cebu Harbour where the first Spanish settlement was established in 1565 was relatively easy.but returning was hazardous as the prevailing easterly winds beat hard into the prows causing many vessels to be sunk with millions and millions of dollars in cargo.
    The manila Galleons carried 300 to 600 crew and passengers;mostly crew.Usually 100-200 would die of Thirst Starvation and Diseases or the Cold.It was not uknown for entire vessels to disappear...never to be heard from again.Disease and Epidemics were common as the Spanish vessels were known to be devoid of proper cleanliness.Also complicating health problems were poor diets;the daily allotments were meager and of poor choices.
    To be continued....sorry about the mistakes,my computer is about dead.I'll speak about the diet of these poor souls soon.

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