Friday, October 7, 2011

Caring For Pets in Mexico

   All Pets need special care when they visit Mexico.Many visitors bring the family canine along for a number of reasons.Most certainly they are very excellent protection for a vessel and it's valuables.
   Most dangerous to the canine group is Contagious Canine Veneral Tumors;this cancer is unforgiving,ugly and will cause the slow death of your beloved pet.It is contracted by sexual intercourse which must be avoided by all means.The only cure is by lengthy Vincristine Chemo Therapy which is costly and can be dangerous as the cure is ingested through an artery.Generial anesthesia must be used as each session is lengthy.Prevention-keep your pet away from others at all times.This horrible disease is first detected by a discharge of blood or a reddish/pink liquid from the sexual organ.More advanced cases are identified by a large growing mass of inflamed ugly flesh that will grow out of the before mentioned sexual organs.
  All canine diseases found in northern North America plus some others are found in Mexico.Parasitic problems such as Fleas,ticks,mites,mange and many other topical problems are common;some of them very unforgiving.It is very necessary to bath your canine frequently with the correct product.The search for a competent canine veterinary physician at times can be difficult as most of these Doctors deal with farm animals.
   As a youth I was given a large Yellow Headed Parrot;his name was "Singapore".He unlike most parrots was quite quiet,gentle and very loving.During  my life I have owned many parrots:all of them gifts;most of them have at times made my existance a living nightmare.They are very demanding,very noisy and long lived;my most beautifull specimen was a four foot long Scarlet Macaw.She,by the name of Orca insisted on all my attention and if I was too busy to entertain her the neighborhood suffered from her screaming demands.Parrots are not good pets;they want to be the center of attention the entire day;they are messy,very destructive and need considerable care.In Mexico it is now illegal to own them;if do you purchase them it is almost impossible to import them into another country.