Friday, September 16, 2011

A Brief Look Into Mexico's Past

   The past of beautiful Mexico is more than a bit interesting.All of what the ancient Mayas,Toltecs and Aztecs developed in many areas came to a hault with the arrival of of Hernan Cortez in 1519.Cortez took over Tenochitillan,captured the god king Moctezuma and a culture over 3000 years of age was destroyed;it would never ever again recuperate.
   During the 18th century there were over 6000 priests in Mexico; their archbishop was the second most powerful person the entire country and was attended to by 8 bishops.All had become the owners of enormous properties and ruled the laity without conscience and would continue do so long after the dissolution of the Spanish Empire. 
   During the years between 1810-1821 the Mexican people revolted,fought a war with Spain and won their independence.Two million people lost their lives to gain this goal.In 1821 the new Republic of Mexico was formed.
   The war of the late 1840's between the U.S. and Mexico has vague beginnings;most assuridly it was part of the U.S.plan of it's proclaimed Manifest Destiny.The U.S.announced that it wanted to expand it territorial boundaries and most assuredly it did so.When the smoke cleared,when the bodies of the fallen removed Mexico had lost over one half of it's country to the Americans.This land became the U.S. states of California,Utah,Texas,Arizona,Colorado and most of New Mexico.
    On the 13th of September of each year throughout Mexico all Mexicans partake in the  somber "Day of The Children Heroes"  (Ninos Heroes).This day is in remembrance of the children cadets who tried to defend Chapultepec when the United States Marines Corps led by General Winfield Scott invaded their country.The children cadets were all killed and were from San Blas and the San Blas area;there is a tall,beautiful marble obelisk (not unlike the Washington Monument) that stands in their honor in their beloved San Blas.This monument is but a few steps from our town hospital;it is a hospital that has never refused medical care to any American or any foreigner.It has done and will always do all in it's power to heal the ill;it has never asked for any payment.
   The period between 1850 and 1900 saw the influence that the land barons and political heads used in the control of Mexico.The years between 1910 to 1920 was the era of the Mexican Revolutions,a time when two million Mexicans lost their lives trying to stalilize the government.
   My best friend and my mentor for many years was Canadian General Maurice Pope,a man who fought in World War One and World War Two.He was a man who later on became the Ambassador to Belgium and Spain.One day as we discussed Mexico Maurice said to me "Norman somehow with all the turmoil we see in this beautiful country of Mexico she remains friendly to all of us and it is my personal joy to be part of her history".
    At present Mexico is going through a very trying period,people all over the country are in very serious need of finances.Mexico does not want any person working in Mexico without the permission of it's government.The people of San Blas never have nor will they ever allow anyone to work here illegally;they cannot do so as the town is very,very poor.Recently the Immigration Department visited and informed me that if they hear of anyone working without their permission they will take care of that situation immediately.Also they do not not want boaters and others smuggling equipment and repair parts into the country which are later on used to set up illegal businesses.To take the livlihood of these poor people away from them is insulting and unforgivable.Visitors must learn to become humane and sympathetic to the people of this country,a country where they are but a visitor.
   A complaint has been presented to me that names people who have been found to either to be working illegally in San Blas or in Mexico or a supporter of these offenders.The document is signed by hundreds of Mexican Citizens;about 40 of them government employees.In particular it names one person as "the organizer of this conspiracy against the (Mexican) San Blas people".I personally do not understand the mentality of people who come to Mexico by expensive means and then work here illegally taking the food out of the mouths of the many poor.

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